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By Alberto Jessurun / July 7, 2021 / Blog

The Top 6 Cloud Security Challenges of 2021

Benefits of moving to the cloud include remote access, streamlined workflows, and scalability. Yet, with this transition also comes a need for a stronger focus on security.

The cloud. It was once a seemingly fictitious place where businesses talked abstractly about storing data. Now, the cloud is part of everyday life for businesses and individuals. In 2021, cloud networks continue to grow. Whether your organization uses a private cloud, public cloud, or the increasingly popular hybrid cloud model, there is no denying the many advantages of moving to the cloud. 

Those who use the cloud benefit from monetary savings due to having to own and maintain less equipment on-site. Another positive factor is the ability to scale without adding additional infrastructure. As an enterprise grows, the cloud can accommodate that fluctuation. There is also the major benefit of facilitating remote access. In an age where the office can be an employee’s living room, a coworking center, or even a vacation resort, cloud technology makes remote working easier. 

The cloud may seem like a perfect solution for data management, but it is not without its challenges. One, in particular, is that of cloud security. Why does cloud security matter? Because security breaches cost the business money and can even completely ruin its reputation. As technology evolves, so do the many ways cloud storage and computing networks can be penetrated if you don’t have a strong security plan in place. 

In this article, we will look at the top six cloud security challenges in 2021:

  • Misconfiguration
  • Risks due to working remotely
  • Poor identity access management
  • Accounts taken over
  • Rushed cloud migration
  • Data breaches and leaks

1. Misconfiguration

Misconfiguration is a top cloud security concern. This happens when a user or multiple users create settings incorrectly that result in a security failure. This is typically a simple oversight and is incredibly common. 

Misconfigurations might include permitting outside applications to communicate, resulting in a security breach. Most organizations have experienced plenty of misconfigurations, and some do not even know how many they have experienced. 

Misconfigurations are difficult to detect with security analysis tools and costly to resolve. An IT team may spend as much as 50-100 hours of a week managing misconfigurations.

2. Risks due to working remotely

The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the already rising trend of working from home. While remote work is often considered a positive thing because it allows an organization to find talent from a larger pool and allows employees work-life flexibility, it also can pose a security risk. In December 2020, 71% of Americans were working from home, and 54% of those said they wanted to keep working from home after Covid. 

When teams began using cloud technology to work from home, cloud security risks rose. This could be the result of policy oversight, negligent behavior, lack of training, or team members simply not being on the same page. Whatever the cause, the risk to the business is the same.

3. Poor identity access management

Identity and access management (IAM) is the company’s policy for using identity to control access. This can be a weak spot for cloud security when an enterprise has a high number of users who have privileged access, which likely includes users who have more access than they need. This is an issue when using a single sign-on method and when dealing with users who hold multiple roles.

4. Accounts taken over

Poor IAM makes your system more vulnerable to this risk: Account takeovers. Privileged accounts with high-level access can be compromised, so the more accounts that have excess access, the more vulnerable your company is to account takeovers. 

Accounts can always be hijacked, and login credentials can end up in the hands of people who should not have them. One way to prevent this is to use two-factor authentication for all logins, but again, that goes back to your security policies ad IAM. 

5. Rushed cloud migration

As everyone shifts to the cloud, the process was often thrust onto the company’s overburdened IT support team, who are always under pressure to perform time-consuming tasks quickly. This can result in security failings as a result of the inability to fast-track cloud migration the right way. This process should not be rushed and should instead be broken down into organized steps and handled by experts.

6. Data breaches and leaks

Data breaches occur when sensitive information is stolen. The average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million globally. They can be caused by malware, weak passwords, and phishing. Some companies run phishing tests. These can be effective training for employees when handled well and disastrous when handled poorly, as was seen during GoDaddy’s 2020 phishing test that tricked employees into clicking on a link in order to receive a $650 holiday bonus. 

A data breach can be used to steal customers’ credit card information, perpetuate identity theft, and expose sensitive information. The risk to an enterprise is both financial and reputational. 

Technology solutions from Unisol International

The shift to the cloud is exciting. With it, your organization may have questions about which technologies and cloud security protocols are best for your infrastructure. You want to choose solutions that work not just for where you are but where you see your enterprise will be heading in 2021, 2022, and beyond.

Unisol can help you find the answers to your questions and outfit you with the tools and hardware you need to help every member of your team succeed. Unisol offers worldwide shipping and a robust online catalog. To find out more contact Unisol International.

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