
SiteHawk Antenna and Cable Analyzer, 20-6000MHz, Output Power: -10dBm, Transit Case Version, SOI

Part Number: SK-6000-TC

List Price: $5,800.00

(Request quote for discounted pricing)

In Stock: 1 Available


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SiteHawk AnalyzerSK-200-TC, SK-4000-TC, SK-6000-TC

* Easy to operate and field ready for first-time, occasional and experienced users.

* FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry) measurement method results in a highly reliable assessment of the health of critical components in your system; ultimately providing a “heads-up” before a failure occurs.

* Fault location or DTF mode indicates VSWR or Return Loss levels at each point along the cable and antenna system length.

* Cable Loss function measures insertion loss of the cable system over a given frequency range.

* Units cover frequency ranges of 300 kHz-200 MHz,1-4500 MHz and 20-6000 MHz.

* USB communication port for connection to storage device and battery charging.

* Three Year Warranty!

* Includes Bird RF Meter App.