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By Alberto Jessurun / December 11, 2019 / Blog

A POS system can be a large investment for any restaurant owner, but it can also help you take a big bite out of your competition. Learn more about what makes this technology such a good investment. The restaurant industry is serving up some impressive...

By Alberto Jessurun / December 4, 2019 / Blog

People are both increasingly dependent on and untrusting of digital technology. What does it mean to find trust through technology and how can we improve that trust? More information is being shared and consumed in our digital age than ever before. According to Nielsen research,...

By Alberto Jessurun / November 26, 2019 / Blog

Healthcare is a prime target for cybercriminals, with attacks reaching all-time highs. Many of these breaches are avoidable with the proper security measures. There’s a growing responsibility that healthcare providers can’t afford to ignore if they want to completely protect their patients — and protect...

By Alberto Jessurun / November 18, 2019 / Blog

Your method of storing information for your business depends on a variety of factors, and these storage technologies are always changing. The emergence of big data means that more data is being collected and analyzed than ever before. Companies across industries are looking for data...

By Alberto Jessurun / November 6, 2019 / Blog

Security blind spots are a universal problem, whether a retail space is large or small. Follow these steps to ensure your store is optimally covered. Don’t be fooled by talk of a retail apocalypse. While e-commerce is certainly booming, electronic shopping only accounts for a...

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