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By Alberto Jessurun / July 14, 2021 / Blog

A Look at the Future of 5G and Telecom Companies

As 5G rolls out across the nation, consumers and businesses are wondering what the next generation of wireless means for the future of connectivity. 

From television ads to conspiracy theories, talk of 5G is everywhere. So, what does it mean for telecom companies? If the advertisements are to be believed, 5G is faster, more reliable, and available everywhere (or at least almost everywhere). 

And yet, there is much confusion about the current state and future of 5G. Whether you are a part of an enterprise that stores data in the cloud or a simple consumer wanting to download a video to your smartphone before you board a plane, the availability of 5G and the experience of it often seem shrouded in mystery. From which telecom companies have made the most headway with 5G to what it is actually like to use it compared to 4G LTE; it is understandable to have questions.

In this article, we will take a look at the future of 5G and telecom companies:

  • What is 5G?
  • Is 5G available?
  • How do 5G carriers compare?
  • Is 5G better for the environment?
  • Does 5G have a higher bandwidth?
  • What is the cost of 5G for companies and consumers?
  • Technology solutions from Unisol International

What is 5G?

5G stands for fifth-generation, meaning that it is the fifth generation of existing wireless networks. Looking back at the history of these generations shows us how far the technology has come. 

1G was the first generation of wireless technology that empowered simple cellular devices — cell phones used for voice communication. When 2G was introduced, texting (or SMS messaging), and voicemail were introduced. 3G added the ability to take and share photos, browse the internet, use GPS tracking, and tap into the power of data on a deeper level. 

4G is our current generation of wireless technology. This is what transformed smartphones from devices used primarily for communication into devices with functionality comparable to traditional computers. 

5G will expand upon the amazing capabilities of 4G, taking what we already have and making it faster, better, and more accessible.

Is 5G available today?

The availability of 5G has caused confusion. It seems to be advertised widely, and yet many people who open their phones will still see 4G at the top of the screen. 

While some phones and networks do support 5G, it is not yet available in all areas due to difficulties with the mmWave (millimeter wave) spectrum used to transmit some 5G internet. The new technology has difficulty covering long distances, penetrating buildings, and holding up in inclement weather. There are even challenges dealing with everyday obstructions like human bodies. 

MmWave is not 5G, but it is a technology some 5G may run on. It refers to 24GHz and 100GH frequency. In short, mmWave is fast, but it has a short wavelength. It offers high speed and high bandwidth. Verizon is a huge proponent of mmWave; AT&T and T-Mobile have been less aggressive about adopting it.

Verizon is also touting its Ultra Wideband service, which uses a high-band, mmWave spectrum. Additionally, Verizon offers a 5G low-band spectrum that runs with 4GLTE and uses dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS), essentially switching between 5G and 4G LTE.

How do 5G carriers compare?

As of March 2021, T-Mobile had 41.35% of the country covered, AT&T had 18.11% covered, and Verizon had 11.08% covered. All states had some 5G with the exception of Alaska. T-Mobile was able to achieve 41.35% in large part due to a merger with Sprint and its usage of low-band over high-band spectrum. This travels further but offers lower speeds. In contrast, Verizon has the least amount of coverage, but the highest speeds due to reliance on high-band. However, Verizon has also been adopting low band 5G which should help with coverage. 

Is 5G better for the environment?

One report showed that wireless access technology takes up 90% of cloud energy consumption, which results in a lot of carbon consumption due to a high amount of carbon dioxide produced through this. 5G will run on cooler towers and is believed to be better for the environment. 

Is 5G faster?

There is no denying it: 5G is the fastest generation of wireless technology yet. Speeds up to 100 times faster are possible, meaning movies can be downloaded in seconds. There will also be lower latency, which will lead to better connectivity. 

Does 5G have a higher bandwidth?

5G can handle heavy amounts of data usage. This will be ideal for crowded areas, such as stadiums, bars, city centers, shopping malls, and college campuses. As the pandemic winds down and in-person gatherings return, businesses that draw large crowds will benefit from the bandwidth of 5G.

Does 5G have higher capacity?

In addition to more bandwidth and lightning-fast speed, 5G will allow more data storage, more devices connected, and more applications to be run. This is a win not just for cellular devices but for all devices that run on wireless. 

What is the cost of 5G for companies and consumers?

5G will require an investment upfront to install the new network. Whether it is a city, a business, or an individual, costs can be expected in the form of either infrastructure or new devices. However, overall costs may be lower over time as 4G requires a lot of oversight.

Even though 5G means getting a new phone, consumers are willing to pay more for a faster network.

5G solutions from Unisol International

Wherever the future of 5G takes you, be prepared with the right tools to run your business. Unisol International can help with customized solutions and worldwide shipping. To find out more, contact Unisol International.

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