Site Power System, 48 VDC Out / 6A
List Price: $1,142.00
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The Site Power System (SPS) series provides a complete DC power solution that integrates quickly with batteries, loads, and monitors. Available in 12, 24 and -48 volt, 300 and 475 watt configurations, the compact assembly contains: power supply with temperature compensated, automatic boost/float battery charge cycle; low voltage disconnect; and programmable alarm contacts. High operating temperature rating with convection cooling make the unit ideal for remote site shelters, railroad wayside bungalows, and pole mount enclosure applications, as well as private network base stations and microwave sites.
* Well regulated noise free output – no interference with sensitive electronic loads
* Separate Battery Charger output with remote temperature compensation sensor
* Automatic Boost voltage output after AC power failure quickly recovers battery
* Low voltage disconnect protects batteries from over discharge
* Output current indicator LEDs
* Wide temperature operating range (-40 to +70° C), convection cooled, meets AREMA standards
* Alarm contacts interface with remote monitor systems